Thursday, April 15, 2004

doctor id

Hey everyone, the first installment of the new scutmonkey strip is online! I decided to post it a chunk at a time, thereby giving me impetus to work on the thing, as well as something of a time-frame. Call me Dickens. Except instead of books, comics. And instead of paper, Internet. And instead of people killing each other at the docks to get the latest installment, general apathy. But apart from that, I'm totally Dickens.

Currently reading: My old Ob-Gyn strip. Not because I'm conceited, I just want to see that it actually displays. I actually went back and poster lower resolution images so that they would load faster. If you had trouble seeing the page this the last time I linked to it, now might be a good time to try again. (Unless you're one of the residents depicted in the strip. Then, please, don't read it. Your butt is gorgeous!)

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