Saturday, February 13, 2010

the life of an attending (as imagined by residents), part 6


  1. Michelle, I love your motherhood vs resident comics. So true! It's been awhile since I last emailed you, but I've left Columbia and started my own private practice. SO much happier :)
    And I also had my 2nd son in September, following your parallel path. Tell what point in Mack's life does it get easier balancing TWO along with work, or is it still crazy?

  2. Oh, and Happy New Year! If you're like me, I'm missing good Chinese food from Flushing :(

  3. oh no don't kill my fantasy! all i am looking forward to is becoming a boss!!!!

  4. Don't get me wrong, being an attending is better, MUCH better. But somewhat lacking in leisure time and money angels is all I'm saying.

  5. Noooo, my dreams of what all my hard-work will lead to have been crushed!! Lol @ the Starbucks job!

  6. when my brain hurts from all the thinking, and i'm completely drained and sleep deprived, i dream about working at the Gap.
