Monday, November 01, 2010

fancy feast

I was just getting dinner ready for the kids, but something about how this looks on the plate makes me think of those pictures depicting all the wholesome ingredients inside a bag of dog chow.

(No, there is no actual point to this entry.)


  1. Do 5 year olds really get full on that little food? I don't have a child, but I think this might be the reason that I am overweight. The correct food portions are so sadly small :(

  2. No, there was a side of pasta and a bowl of fruit too, but I didn't include that in the picture because it looked less dog food-y.

  3. Isabelle8:56 PM

    Still, they say a portion of meat (or veggies) should be as large as their hand. I think this qualifies. At least, for mine.

  4. Love this. The photo is perfect too. I really love your blog. I can't wait to read your book. I love finding out that motherhood is essentially full of the same things whether you are a MD or a SAHM

  5. Oh and about portions. My three year old daughter claims she's full after 6 total bites of dinner. When she's not going through a growth spurt she doesn't complain of hunger. I on the other hand generally eat mine and then her leftovers too.

  6. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Yummy, so gourmet-like Dr. Au.
