Wednesday, May 19, 2004

sorry, avril

I was getting all ready to go down to see Avril Lavigne in the Winter Garden today (the hospital's fancy lingo for "big empty lobby,") working furiously to finish up my work early so that my afternoon would be free. I am not embarassed to tell you that I was all excited. I even had my little phone camera on me so that I could snap pictures and make people jealous. I would be in the first row, pushing over crippled kids to get a good spot if necessary. Avril would be singing straight to me, dammit, ME!

Come 2:00pm, I was just about ready to head on down to the performance, when I got paged to the Delivery Room for the delivery of 32-week triplets. By the times they babies were all out, the bloods were all drawn, the IVs in place and the orders written, Avril was long gone. And to add injury to insult, I got paged for another C-section before the third triplet was even dry. In all, I went to four deliveries today, yielding six babies. I guess that's efficient, but dagnabbit, I could have been bopping to "Sk8r Boi" and flinging my hair around instead.

One of the NICU nurses who did manage to make it down there said that the performance was actually not that well attended. "There were only, like, 20 kids there," she told me. "The rest of the people were doctors. Male doctors." Hey, I would have been more than happy to even up the census.

Currently reading: Nothing. I keep falling asleep.

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