Wednesday, June 08, 2011

here, there, everywhere

So look, a couple of things.

Remember how I have that blog on Psychology Today now about the human face of medicine?  I have a new piece up about the vaccination debate and why I take it personally.  I would love to have you read it and comment, regardless of what side of the debate you fall on.  (If you have a direct comment about the piece, please comment on the Psychology Today site itself, so they can see that people are reading and don't think I'm some kind of a dud whose writing generates zero interest.)

Secondly, I am on call tomorrow. Again! And then the following morning, I will have two radio interviews, one with Dr. Mehmet Oz for his radio show on Sirius, and the other with Greg Berg on "The Morning Show" on WGTD-FM.  Only don't get too excited, because both interviews are taped, not live, so I'll need to let you know when they are actually going to be, you know, audible.  However, the fact that they are taped will increase the likelihood that they can edit out anything stupid I might say post-call, so really, it's for the best.


  1. I tried posting there and it didn't go! But I really did read it! great post!

  2. I saw a comment by a commenter named "Sarah"...maybe that one is yours? My comment on Psychology Today took some time to appear, although that might be an underlying issue with my browser since it's slow as molasses right now.

    I was too chicken to say this on PT, but I hatehatehate people that vilify docs just as much as those people hate doctors. Even *I* take it personally and I haven't even begun the application process for med school. Sometimes people are downright toxic and so full of anger they don't even remember how to explain WHY.

    Hooray for your honesty and courage to say what needs to be said!

  3. that was me! i don't know why it didn't show up on my computer. i even tried to refresh.

    As a very recent med school grad, you meet hostile patients, but then there are a few that are SUPER thankful to you, and it makes it all worth it (at least for that little bit)

    Thanks for making us human Michelle!

  4. I loved your piece on the vaccine debate. It totally rings true. We physicians do take it personally when parents decide not to vaccinate. I got really peaved with mom who came into the Pedi ER thinking her kid had chicken pox (it was bug bites), and said she hadn't vaccinated him. And when I inquired why, she didn't have any good explanation except "Well the chicken pox won't kill him". Well, in some cases it does!

  5. Anonymous9:05 AM

    If you can sneak an edit in, I think you missed a "not" in this sentence.

    "Regardless of which side of the debate you align yourself, it is difficult to argue that the development of vaccines is one of the greatest advances in modern medicine--right up there with antibiotics and anesthesia."

  6. Good catch! I'll sneak that in! And thanks for reading and e-mailing and retweeting, everyone!

  7. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Wow - I remember your hilarious and fantastic pieces from when I was at Wellesley. So impressed with what you have done, but not at all surprised. Best of luck and I am buying your book for the doctors in my life!

  8. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Really great article! I did post my comment. I think what you wrote resonates with many. You are so is personal. I am able to leave a patient's poor decisions at work, but this one, I cannot, both because of anger at the parents and on behalf of the child!

  9. Anonymous6:21 PM

    As a side note, and completely unrelated to anti-vaxers... did you just out yourself as an atheist to psychology today? Whoo Hooo! While I personally think that's awesome, I'm wondering if your audience (whoever and whatever they are) might take issue with that or think differently of you? Here's to hoping it's a non-issue, like it should be :)

  10. Anonymous10:40 PM

    I'm not so inclined to post this on the other site, as I'm really not trying to be polemical! I am pro-vaccine. I have never hesitated to vaccinate my kids or, usually, myself. BUT I do wonder what happened to me after I got the H1N1 vaccine -- I was in my first trimester, ran a high fever, and within a couple of days had lost the pregnancy. When I became pregnant again, my OB suggested that I avoid flu shots, just in case, which did make me worry (I am a teacher!) about catching the flu while pregnant. So I do think vaccines are a bit creepy and weird, but viruses are even creepier and weirder, that I know. The MDs, of course, would not and could not causally link the vaccine to the miscarriage, but nor did they dismiss a possible link.

  11. I have been reading your blog for years, and I often find that you've expressed what I'm thinking much more coherently and elegantly than I ever could. I particularly loved your latest post at Psychology Today, as I regularly feel hurt and offended by people's distrust and anger towards doctors. After many years to date (and many more to come) of sacrificing my time and many other things that I would rather be doing in the interest of my medical training, it is frustrating to be accused of being selfish and only in medicine for financial gain.

  12. The same problem happened with me which Sarah had when I tried to post, that post is worth to read.
